I just found an easier way, exploits, If it clearly stated somewhere it was bannable or bug abuse I wouldn't have obviously.
If it were me I probably would've banned you permanently.
Things like that do not need to handed to you on a silver platter, use your brain and realize "Hey, this seems a tad too easy and could potentially break the economy & server if I abuse it" instead of thinking about personal gain.
P.S if my post doesn't make much sense its because I've been up for a
long time and I'm currently on a plane half asleep.
Also to answer a few questions about the parkour cooldown thing, people like
@Sosa and
@Cowie I would appreciate it if you would not grind the parkour as much as you are. The cooldown will most likely be much longer than you're suggesting because I added it as a fun thing to do occasionally, not a way to grind ETokens.
@trkey has already sent me the premium version of the plugin that I needed, but I was too busy getting ready to leave for my flight to properly implement it. So in the mean time, until May 19th, I'm allowing all staff to warn and or temp ban any player that is seen excessively beating parkours to grind ETokens.
So please keep it to a maximum of;
Easy: Every 20 minutes
Medium: Every hour
Hard: uh no cooldown good luck