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  1. SaltyDepression

    *gasp of air*

    mini not voldemort taco sharky pathos amazing astro nathan bazer gary tori chrissy sine far fk wdake myrtics nerdy milo puck sosa 34d mutah agent coolkish tuxx ddubs mushy mason lucky whele mad line oldielocks shirohibikii flipperjay shrek oziel banner furball mino lugia pain turtle krislyn...
  2. SaltyDepression

    texture packs

    so what's your thoughts on texture/resource packs? personally, i dont really like them unless im on fire...
  3. SaltyDepression

    my introduction

    hi im a salty nub pls be my friend help me im lonely oof x6
  4. SaltyDepression

    coming back?

    coming back full time? :eek: ye or nu? ;)
  5. SaltyDepression

    I'm Quitting OpBlocks. D:

    Welp, the title says it all. I'm quitting opb to pursue my dreams of cyber-bullying people who think they can pvp... well I can't either but you get the point... and more personal stuff. i might be on opb sometimes, but very scarcely now... @Chrissehh tHaNks fOr thE mEmeS nUb! @Wedek oui oui...
  6. SaltyDepression


  7. SaltyDepression

    I (My Parents) made a mistake.

    So my parents saw me while I was typing in my info and decided to change my age. How can I get help?