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  1. HyzukiV2

    combos v2?

    @smhreach @DdubsRulez2 @Mutah @JustMe03 @LovesPhilosophy @GodPvPer @OldieLocks @random other ppl Just had fun with this lol
  2. HyzukiV2

    Real rap

    If you at a restaurant and got a iced coffee And the waiter been refillin' that without a word of caution And you get your ****in' bill and you can see he double charged ya For the coffee and you told 'em there's a problem Sing along like Ohh, don't double charge me for that Don't double charge...
  3. HyzukiV2


    I tried to do a trial of a combo vid seems pretty decent for a first run may make another one @smhreach @Mutah @OldieLocks
  4. HyzukiV2

    k bye

    LOL, ok honestly let me just start off by saying that just like Mochi I barely have time for this server. Due to my workload and revision time, I can afford about 3 hours of sleep each day and about 1 hour on my PC. So basically don't have any time to spare for this server. Been here for 3...
  5. HyzukiV2


    @smhreach @Mutah @xXGirlGamer69Xx @OldieLocks Tried using RSMB which is a Sony Vegas add-on for external motion blur. Tbh I think the mistake I made was having mods such as armor hud on. Without those, the video would have looked way smoother as they tend to blur out in the vid. And I used...
  6. HyzukiV2

    Dante'sInferno x128 Release

    @Physiologically @Mutah @puckv2 @kelly8282828 @_SavAgE_X @xFlied @xXGirlGamer69Xx @Anyone who uses texturepacks Pack:http://www.mediafire.com/file/jz0mp0c2x8doepd/§4DantehsInferno+§+128x+.zip For some reason my motionblur is always too high even when I set it way lower :p ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Swords...
  7. HyzukiV2


    @johnxd I literally set my smooth aim to 4.5 blocks on velt and this guy is hitting me from further then when my smooth aim activates totally legit. Further than 4.5 blocks great
  8. HyzukiV2

    Roses x128 Release

    @Mutah @puckv2 @kelly8282828 @xFlied @JustMe03 @Anyone who uses texturepacks Sorry for the cancer motion blur. Didn't realize how high it was till after the fights. And btw this pack is only for 1v1 pvp duels. Pack:http://www.mediafire.com/file/ikev6e5jj942e8p/%21__%C2%A7dRoses%5B128x%5D.zip