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  1. ShroomsDawg

    First Signature

    This is the first signature I've ever put together. It's not very good but I think it'll be fine ;) https://gyazo.com/5d90cf32102c80a87fbcb172b4d7d5a7
  2. ShroomsDawg

    I feel special since I'm your only follower <3

    I feel special since I'm your only follower <3
  3. ShroomsDawg

    James Bond... There you go :D

    James Bond... There you go :D
  4. ShroomsDawg

    What's your favorite anime?

    No Game No Life, Highschool DxD (Slightly Ecchi) and this isn't really an Anime since it is a manga but DICE is great.
  5. ShroomsDawg

    100% Nope ;)

    100% Nope ;)
  6. ShroomsDawg

    Sooner or later ;)

    Sooner or later ;)
  7. ShroomsDawg


    Look, just stop. It's not going to happen. The max I can foresee is 75%. Even then I doubt it. I think it will be a 50% but I'm not sure.
  8. ShroomsDawg

    #uela plan

    Look, I'm sorry to break it to you, but this is not the best idea I've seen. One, I highly doubt Mojang will be looking for servers as large and new as us. Two, in the unlikely event we are forced to comply, we will most likely comply with the request. Thirdly, If we were found out once, why...
  9. ShroomsDawg

    Puzitsa's introduction for people who don't know me

    Hey Puz! Hope you enjoy your stay here on OPB! Look forward to seeing some nice pixelart from you! :D
  10. ShroomsDawg

    Thank you everyone!

    Thank you everyone!
  11. ShroomsDawg


    Honestly if you're looking to get posts, staff apps and introductions are great places to get them. Of course, make sure you try and give quality replies!
  12. ShroomsDawg

    Cyka Blyat

    Hi! Welcome back ;) Look forward to seeing you in game and around the forums!
  13. ShroomsDawg

    The Q&A Game

    Answer: Take the 50, the risk is worth the reward. Question: If it were up to you, would you make gay marriage legal on a global scale?
  14. ShroomsDawg


    The abyss, making a super goat which could
  15. ShroomsDawg


    Hey! Can't wait to play with you and see you round on the forums! The only sports I really like are tennis, squash and table tennis!
  16. ShroomsDawg

    Hey Everyone!

    Hey Ellie! Hope you enjoy your stay here!
  17. ShroomsDawg

    Finally Our Home Is Back

    Excellent story! I look forward to playing with you Mr Bacon!
  18. ShroomsDawg


    If the top rank would be about $100 AUD ( About 74 USD) and there was a 60% off sale, I could buy it right now! I hope there is at least a 50% off sale to celebrate the opening...
  19. ShroomsDawg

    Ello people!

    Hello Strangeness! Welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing you around the forums and in game!
  20. ShroomsDawg

    Old map of OPBlocks.

    Those builds were utterly amazing! The colour choice was so well chosen and the terrain looked optimised for PvP! If the builds this time around are going to better I'm going to be gobsmacked!