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  1. CyborgCreeper

    Is a macro(that comes with razer mouse) ok?

    this base doesnt really give an advantage its in prison freeworld
  2. CyborgCreeper

    Is a macro(that comes with razer mouse) ok?

    normal like the rest of people :3 wasd for controls e for inventory etc :3
  3. CyborgCreeper

    Is a macro(that comes with razer mouse) ok?

    how what :3
  4. CyborgCreeper

    Is a macro(that comes with razer mouse) ok?

    like i said im l a z y and my right click is sprint because it cant be z cause i cant jump while z is held down for some reason :3
  5. CyborgCreeper

    Is a macro(that comes with razer mouse) ok?

    cause im lazzzyyy
  6. CyborgCreeper

    Is a macro(that comes with razer mouse) ok?

    its probably the size of my palm xD
  7. CyborgCreeper

    Is a macro(that comes with razer mouse) ok?

    the rock i have is too big XD
  8. CyborgCreeper

    Is a macro(that comes with razer mouse) ok?

    what if its a button that makes the button held down without having to hold it down?
  9. CyborgCreeper

    Is a macro(that comes with razer mouse) ok?

    and also i set it to just hold down F
  10. CyborgCreeper

    Is a macro(that comes with razer mouse) ok?

    but my placing blocks button is F so does it still count as a ac or a keystroke?
  11. CyborgCreeper

    Is a macro(that comes with razer mouse) ok?

    I have a razer mouse and it can make macros, so is it ok if i make it so i can place blocks fast so it cuts down on build time?
  12. CyborgCreeper

    Cyborg_creeper needs purchase support justice

    how long would it usually take... i posted it on friday...
  13. CyborgCreeper

    Cyborg_creeper needs purchase support justice

    i have asked other staff they always say "oh i cant only amazing can do that" so i have to resort to when he gets on to try to talk to him... even admins say that so... yeah...
  14. CyborgCreeper

    Cyborg_creeper needs purchase support justice

    He was on just today i tried to talk to him... no response i saw him moving around in hub 3 and then just leave
  15. CyborgCreeper

    Cyborg_creeper needs purchase support justice

    (tis just a joke)
  16. CyborgCreeper

    What should I do?

    maybe i should make a parkour/maze course for fun and there is gonna be a donation area to support it
  17. CyborgCreeper

    What should I do?

    you should know ( -.-) "infamous member"
  18. CyborgCreeper

    What should I do?

    I want a popular/steady way to make money and a cool plot... so idk
  19. CyborgCreeper

    What should I do?

    i meant something that could make me money :/
  20. CyborgCreeper

    What should I do?

    I'm clearing out this plot of land and don't know what to do with it once i'm done with it :/ https://gyazo.com/4b6e434b18165681011c16f8213e6fa4