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  1. Jayden_22

    [Prison] Chris's Crates Problem (auction)

    25 - 3T 26 - 3T 27 - 2T 28 - 1T Total 9T (ik low but im bidding skrt) 1 - 10T (no bids yet :p) Its a auction just saying numbers for now
  2. Jayden_22

    Resignation :(

    the pceoutglrlscout at the end was my old in mc name. im not going to ask for a tag since i feel included in this statement. goodluck with HSC.
  3. Jayden_22

    Hello I am new

    also i noticed as soon as i said sarth has same pfp as his discord. 30minutes later changes his discord pick to sarths pfp...
  4. Jayden_22

    Hello I am new

    lmao tinton and optic good 1. mutah clever observation about times would have mentioned it now lmao.
  5. Jayden_22

    Hello I am new

    tsktsk tsk
  6. Jayden_22

    Hello I am new

    from sarths staff application it was pretty good and after the msg from mochi. Hello there, After looking over your application with other staff, we decided you are not ready for staff. First off, applying while perm-banned is a instant deny. Staff members are expected to set examples for...
  7. Jayden_22

    Hello I am new

    psst its forums im not going for staff so i dont need posts however u pshyic can make a new forums account. oof how do u like dem apples
  8. Jayden_22

    Hello I am new

    Nuker u know this because its u.....
  9. Jayden_22

    Hello I am new

    omg do u think we are idiots its quite obvious that u sarth. u have the same bday. one of u is on and thre other is always off on the same day. and mysteriously u play the server straight after he gets banned. you do the same intro he did when he started playing and also sarth sunddenly stop...
  10. Jayden_22

    Hello I am new

    also physics pfp is sarths discord pick
  11. Jayden_22

    Hello I am new

    also that profile name has had the same nick in game
  12. Jayden_22

    Hello I am new

    also they have gone straight to post farming. idc not post farming myself as im not going for staff.
  13. Jayden_22

    hyzuki this is my bet after hes going to post at the same time. there reverse pyscholigy + ikr...

    hyzuki this is my bet after hes going to post at the same time. there reverse pyscholigy + ikr common sense is a amazing thing.
  14. Jayden_22

    Hello I am new

    have you noticed sarth isnt on when pyscic is. havent noticed it yet. once they read my post im sure zomething may change..
  15. Jayden_22

    Looking For A Rankupgrade

    staff please lock or im legit going to delete my forum account since my post got useless comments and semi rude ones. @Chrissehh @Mochi @KaosLord @SuperPiggeh
  16. Jayden_22

    Looking For A Rankupgrade

    @Chrissehh pls lock this i cant be stuffed anymore . useless peoplr
  17. Jayden_22

    Looking For A Rankupgrade

    honestly i work for my dad and stop fudging posting sugar that has nothing to do with the title. believe what u want idc anymore. stop writing minimal information as ur farming this.. continue doing this i will report you. now peev off.
  18. Jayden_22

    Looking For A Rankupgrade

    only post deals pls ik it unlikely but if ur not doing deals dont post anything. pce
  19. Jayden_22

    Looking For A Rankupgrade

    i cant be bothered wasting money on a block game and btw i do have a part time job... i get around 30-50 per hour for helping out in a realastate office.
  20. Jayden_22

    Looking For A Rankupgrade

    .... atleasts thats a funny joke instead of a random message lmao