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  1. BasiliskHill

    Staff History and Status

    It's a deleted thread, I believe it requires Mod perms to see
  2. BasiliskHill

    Staff History and Status

    It's technically available, followed that one up on Discord
  3. BasiliskHill

    Staff History and Status

    Yes, far too old :p I'd essentially have to rip everything off of Eli's old thread... It's a very very long thread. Honestly? No clue
  4. BasiliskHill

    Staff History and Status

    If you're talking about Eli's stickied thread, that got deleted.
  5. BasiliskHill

    Staff History and Status

    I must have broken it when changing everything, should be better now :p
  6. BasiliskHill

    Staff History and Status

    What do you mean? Looks fine to me :p
  7. BasiliskHill

    Hi Kaos, that ability was due to a bug that has been resolved a small while ago. Thanks for the...

    Hi Kaos, that ability was due to a bug that has been resolved a small while ago. Thanks for the concern
  8. BasiliskHill

    Guess Who Is Going To Post Next.

    I suppose I'll be nice to Chris... @Alicorn Surely?
  9. BasiliskHill

    Typer /server and click the iron bars in the centre of the menu

    Typer /server and click the iron bars in the centre of the menu
  10. BasiliskHill

    Sav :0

    Sav :0
  11. BasiliskHill


  12. BasiliskHill

    I would recommend contacting Saito on our Discord here: https://discord.gg/FD8YcCE

    I would recommend contacting Saito on our Discord here: https://discord.gg/FD8YcCE
  13. BasiliskHill

    Woah, it's Mochi

    Woah, it's Mochi
  14. BasiliskHill

    You can try posting the suggestion as a .txt or .pdf file

    You can try posting the suggestion as a .txt or .pdf file
  15. BasiliskHill

    Thanks Ddubs

    Thanks Ddubs
  16. BasiliskHill

    Thanks man :)

    Thanks man :)
  17. BasiliskHill

    Let's see... How many times have I come back here?

    Let's see... How many times have I come back here?
  18. BasiliskHill

    Sometimes I look at the playercount and consider coming back here, then I realise that I have...

    Sometimes I look at the playercount and consider coming back here, then I realise that I have way too much stuff to do so I can't
  19. BasiliskHill

    I'm not here

    I'm not here