Anybody here remember emecay?
Never realized that I have a small bit of Dutch blood in me. Great great great grandparents were Dutch, and my gf is Dutch too.
Currently up 6,000 ft in the sierras, with over an hours hike from anything, and I'm still getting 5bar LTE Service ;-;
*cough* does 'interrupted' ring a bell?
Had another great day in the city. Got to go to a giants game with row 2 seats. Saw Wonder Woman. Got ice cream
Hey Gia again how is the sever going
That looks like my cat :o
Woah, you're here now .o.
We need to catch up ;-;
i never said congrats! really sorry for being oh so late xd
anyways, welcome to the team ;D
Hey __gia__ how is the sever I have not been on for a couple days just checking in bye
Congratulations, you deserved it.