Please don't post farm on reports. I already told him what to do, you don't need to repeat exactly what I said.
2 ratings received thought I would still have 0
I was PoorPerson in crainer's vid btw
+ the OP Pets update and the new areas are a very nice addition to OP Blocks , special thanks to Mochi
Having my appeal viewed by the staff and administration team rn
well just won 10bil from kriste xD 100% from gambling
now i need to join a new fac if ur accepting an experienced member just /msg me in-game
lol justme ive already gotten onto ur lv i lost all my money 15B + 6B + 4B +more money that im gonna make in the future
lost 6bil on prisons now hav made 1.2b back
4bil rps and a 3.5bil cf because the prison server crashed and deleted my rps and cf
i just lot 7.5billion and im rlly rlly mad
Lol i got a status reply xD my first one
got a few new members and just logged back on Prime to check up there
Well, i don't think anybody is reading these but i'm probably still going to post them
If u wanna join /msg me when ur on i'll be adding a lot of additions to our base
Made a new fac called Virus
Hello OPBlocks community i have just taken a break from gaming and now i'm back.