Add a clicks per second indicator / warning in chat for staff when a player starts registering above 11 cps. It helps staff understand who they should be looking out for in pvp, who might be autoclicking or afk farming. It wouldn't instantly mean ban the player with high cps, it would just be another fairly simple tool for staff to use.
Add a clicks per second indicator / warning in chat for staff when a player starts registering above 11 cps. It helps staff understand who they should be looking out for in pvp, who might be autoclicking or afk farming. It wouldn't instantly mean ban the player with high cps, it would just be another fairly simple tool for staff to use.
Add a clicks per second indicator / warning in chat for staff when a player starts registering above 11 cps. It helps staff understand who they should be looking out for in pvp, who might be autoclicking or afk farming. It wouldn't instantly mean ban the player with high cps, it would just be another fairly simple tool for staff to use.
they had this sometime ago but me and angyma proved it was completely useless as we tested it and it would constantly ping all the the time as soon as we pvp it isn't that hard to hit above 11 cps