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Report on Goddessics



Your Username: PUCKVAPES

Accused Players Username: GODDESSICS

Reason for Reporting: bullyism and constant toxicity.

Evidence: I have decided to quit minecraft because of this GODDESSICS player. Every time I log on I have to turn off chat because of the constant hate just shoved into my face by one player in specific - "GODDESSICS". I don't know what I did to her, but I just cant get a break anymore. Honestly, every second of my opblocks life is "hacking ass" "eboy" "f boy" "loser" "stupid man". It just hurts. I can't take it anymore. Please get rid of her. For the better of this server. I constantly get insults like "asian face". It hurts man. Also, I notice in chat her insulting other players and taunting them. "I bet you can't beat me in a duel" - "ugly" "weirdo" "freak". I really don't know what went wrong with her! I'm sorry that was really rude but its true! I don't think I've ever seen anyone as toxic as she is. Please staff. I know she has dated half of you but please. Do your job.
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