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Opblocks exposed for scamming part 2

So as some of you know, I played v1 and well when it shutdown, the forums had a message about it all blah blah blah but then it said that our ranks were being transfered to prime soooooo obviously i transfered it to prime but then when this forums came put i asked him, hey are we getting our ranks back and he said no because we transfered them to prime which was mind boggling to me since yk none of us wanted to waste our hundreds of dollars we decided to make a transfer. As i continued to argue, i ended up getting banned for toxicity. Permanantly. He did compensate us with hoarder which is a nice 70 dollar waste. Im not even going to include the other things he didnt compensate for. He then proceeded to give everyone who played v1 the veteran tag but no he decided to gove it to everyone in the start of v2 showing how much he cares about his deticated players. Not the last part