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Claims vs Guild Claims


New Member
I'm trying to make my claim a warpable location, I've built up my base in survival mode and put chests out in front of my base selling some useful items. I wanted to make my base a warpable location and it seems like the only way you can do that is through guilds, right? /g warp

I created a guild, when I try to claim my guild (/guildclaim) within my existing /claim, it tells me I can't. So I tried to claim the neighboring chunk, but it said I was too close to eeriebass's claim, I have to be at least 2 chunks away. So I claimed that and then tried to claim one of the chunks between them and it said I should get permission from the guild creator (myself) to claim a chunk so close to that guild. Sorry if that's confusing, essentially my guild can't build next to my claim for some reason.

So what's the right way to make your existing claim (7 connected chunks) a /g warp location?
Hi eeriebass! The best thing to do in this situation is unclaim all of your personal claims (you’ll get those back) and then reclaim using guild claims