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  1. F

    Lottery money hasn't come through

    I won the lottery about 30-45 minutes ago and I've tried going to a different zone but nothing has come through. My partner tried to send me some money too with /pay and it said I didnt exist/I was offline. Please could I have some help? - finsharrk
  2. H

    bug and yeAH

    a while ago, i opened a cookie cruncher crate that was supposed to give me a refined candy or smt, but i didnt get it when i exited the chest
  3. CamerobrineYT

    Backpack Bug (Why It Occurs)

    Alrighty, I might have found out why people's backpacks have been breaking, since it just happened to me. It might be resolving around plot mines, since most reports come from others mining in plot mines. Another way could be of using your pet after it was removed in the case of it causing...
  4. E

    Guyz lets talk crainer.

    Hi evrybody and thank u for reading this! I am from sweden so sorry for gramma errors XD As u probebly already know crainer did cheat in his candy prison vid. *when he did give him self alot of money* but why did he do it and why did he lie to us?? post your theory down below!!!