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  1. H


    If you bought it from the Blackmarket Dealer then no. If you bought it from the store then yes.
  2. H

    New Shop Items

    I think theyre should be more things to buy with your xp. Things like vouchers or money or possibly spawners. Like 10,000 xp could get you say $10,000 or a pig spawner. And it could get big too with like 200,000 xp for like a blaze spawner.
  3. H

    Turtle Pet

    I think that would be a pretty cool idea as long as its kept in moderation and doesnt become super op.
  4. H

    Need Help (ideas) Reward Involved

    You should make it into a kind of medival house. Add like a moat on the outside, And a throne with golden blocks scattered across the room for decoration.