It's a bit heartbreaking to completely lose your rank because of the whole Microsoft-Mojang thing. Hundreds down the drain on the server kek
dude how are you it's been so long... can't believe so many old players still come on these forums from time to time haha
Happy Lunar New Year all.
In 12 days it’d be my 5th year here on the forums oh my
Oh yeah feel free to DM me on discord if you’re bored Emeyu #7918 I’m in the server discord too lol
I’d rather be remembered as a baltop fossil than not be remembered at all.
If you’re wondering how I’ve been doing, my PC has been dead for the past year so I haven’t been able to come back.
Never saw myself looking through here when I’m already 18 HAHA
Yo this forum makeover is dope
I find it hard to believe that I’m turning 18 this year. Long journey from the first time I played here in v1 at 14 years old.
A faded memory. I hope to continue to carry on the legacy from v1 players when I’m back.
If this server exists after 2 years, I’ll return. Goodbye normal life and hello army life.