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WARNING do not trust endocat__ she is a very abusive admin she reported me for being toxic when i wasnt even on the pixelmon server im trying to make a ticket right now to get here to stop
um i dont think shes abusive i just think ur in self denial about getting reported but I don't play pixelmon so I don't know but that Is my idea i don't think u should waste ur time making a ticket
mate she banned me FOR no reason she says that she shown evidence that btw doesnt show me breaking any rules if that says im a pis of **** power tripping admin i dont know what does
ok buddy endo cat abusive im pretty sure shes not a mod anymore
i got like p15 blocks after i invited a p0 dude in my mine, now i'm p50 but i still have low prestige blocks, how can i fix this? i tried rankup but didn't work, is there a way to select the mine content?
Hello! This is meant to happen when members join your gang on Prison. Whenever a new member joins, the blocks in the mine change to average out between the total prestige levels. This also does not change if you were to kick the member from your gang or if they were to leave your gang.
hello! Thank you so much for the help!
hey my partner king-kai-2312 stole from me and i did a report and have video conformation can i get what he stole from me back also ban him i saw him afk autoclicking and i want his stuff
I believe if you make a ticket in discord they can help you since you have proof. That was wise to get that. Make sure to have proof of everything you put in your ticket otherwise it's pretty difficult for staff to assist you. Not staff, just another POG...I have learned from experience...this is all servers, but OP staff are amongst the best; no doubt they will help how they can, good luck...hope items are returned!
i dont have discord
I have been banned for afk farming I did not notice you can not do this is there any chance at all I can get unbanned I am very sorry for this I did not read the rules of this game however now I have and now will catch up on any new rules I Im am very sorry and will not do anything like this again my user is *Taylorwwty145 the person who banned me is cavespaces I would like to play surivial in OPBlocks