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Infamous Member
no please
thats a terrible idea
you dont know HOW many people that are absolutely hated by most of the community will come back and annoy everyone if you do that
I second this like I mean yeah great you wanna give people a 7th chance and all but please. Full unban basically means destroying the server before it even starts. Like go ahead and accept more appeals or something but if you're gonna unban all the toxic kids and cheaters who are just gonna kill the server in a matter of days like always then there's no point


Infamous Member
Honestly no unban all. There is honestly a good reason behind why someone is permanently banned. If there wasn't they wouldn't be banned, or they'd appeal.
When I was staff you could see accounts which had already been banned for advertising(bots) retrying to connect every 5 minutes. If you allow for some of those networks to he unbanned you'd be undoing all the work the members and staff team did to have them accounts banned.

Aswell it already being highlighted that a large sum of toxic people would join back who were banned for that offence. They don't care about whether the server improves they just enjoy ruining other people's experience . If they want to return to the server they should just appeal.

Another reason is a little for selfish for the server. If you release a new version which is successful some players which are banned and whom enjoyed the server before they may purchase an unban.


Infamous Member
No please
If you do that you might as well do /stop

Just saw that an unban is $50, guess he figured that no one was going to buy an unban so an unban all was needed lol
Then surely they could discount the price. Atleast then you wouldn't get a intake of toxic people, since im doubtful that they'd spend 15-25dollars to get unbanned only to get rebanned.
They just need to find a reasonable, affordable price which will act as a sieve, filtering out players with a genuine interest and those with bad intentions. If there's one thing we know about OPBlocks from the past is that they love to make money. Which isn't a bad thing since it still is a business.
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