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  1. Resilience

    Announcement OPBlocks v6 | Update 1.4 - Quest Books, New Titles, New Duel Kits, Sale, & More

    Introduction Greetings! Apologies for the massive delay between updates, however, certain development setbacks forced us to delay the content that we're about to release. Crainer's latest video on the server can be found below, give it a watch if you're a fan of the series or wanting to learn...
  2. Resilience

    Announcement OPBlocks v6 | Update 1.3 - Bosses, Critters, Pickaxe Chest, and more!

    Introduction Hey everyone! Time for our third v6 content update, this one's a big one so let's get right into it! Before reading ahead, feel free to checkout Crainer's 3rd video on the server. We've started to hit over 200 players regularly and are consistently growing, thank you for all the...
  3. Resilience

    Announcement OPBlocks v6 | Update 1.2

    Introduction Hey guys! I'm back again this week with another content update for OPBlocks, this post will give you information about that, our weekly changelog, staff promotions, and a look to the future in regards to content. Let's get right into it! First off, Crainer's second video on...
  4. Resilience

    Announcement OPBlocks v6 | Update 1.1

    Introduction Hello everyone! I'd like to start out by saying that it's finally time for OPBlocks to thrive again! MrCrainer has uploaded his first of many videos on OPBlocks, and we've hit over 100 players for the first time in a while. This post will serve as an update on changes we've made...
  5. Resilience

    Announcement Impending Prison Reset | OPBlocks v6 [Part 2/2]

    Introduction Hey guys! This post will cover everything you need to know about Prison v6! This reset is part of OPBlocks v6, an ambitious project to perform a full-scale revamp of all current OPBlock servers. We've fixed countless bugs, added new content, and added a spirit of competitiveness...
  6. Resilience

    Announcement Impending Factions Reset | OPBlocks v6 [Part 1/2]

    Introduction Hello! I'm happy to say that this post contains everything you need to know regarding our upcoming Factions Reset. This reset is part of OPBlocks v6, an ambitious project to perform a full-scale revamp of all current OPBlock servers. We've heard your complaints, and have made...
  7. Resilience

    Announcement Our Future

    Hey guys! First off, you might be wondering why I'm writing this post rather than @Amazing. After quite a long time, Amazing has decided to step down from his position at OPBlocks for reasons I'll leave him to explain, meaning that I'll be taking over all of his responsibilities effective...