Auctorial loves me more. Haha.
That blue background is hotter than your old background for your pfp ;)
Took staggered a while to promote you ;^)
Blue suits you better than green you potato. ;)
Can you please change my birth year to 2004? it says I'm too young to sign up when I put my real age in
I wish I could apply for staff :P
Is there a way to prove to you that I've changed?
Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to get nicer and more mature.
Hey, I need to ask you something for my friend. He asked will there be more realms or less realms, or will it be the same? Thanks in advance :)
Hey! Good to see you as a manager! ( I=Late)
How come people always ask questions on your profile m8? :P
Is saying 'kys' and 'kms' ok? Dont ban me its just a question lol
Is there a possibilty to interview people thru teamspeak for staff?
Hey, Can you change my 13th B-Day to today, thank you!