BazerKing Mar 11, 2017 P0ISON3D, if you want your name to change then make a conversation with a staff member that has privileges for name changing. (Admin or Manager.) If they are online they will change your name in a few minutes...
P0ISON3D, if you want your name to change then make a conversation with a staff member that has privileges for name changing. (Admin or Manager.) If they are online they will change your name in a few minutes...
Cyclone Feb 16, 2017 Welp other then @angyma atleast you can see were the head kind of starts cause of the sunglasses and it's not as spooky as ang's xd.
Welp other then @angyma atleast you can see were the head kind of starts cause of the sunglasses and it's not as spooky as ang's xd.