oh he basically quoted me ty
Glad to see you here, hopefully you can bring OPBlocks back to its former glory. Best of luck!
Thanks for the kind words and will definitely have OPBlocks up and running in no time!
Heart right back at you
Ok wow, you are by far one of the best managers this server has seen, your introduction actually makes it seem like you are ready to manage this server with all you've got. I wish the best of lucks to you, and I hope this server can go back to its former glory
I really admire your comment. Thank you so much for the kind words and together will be unbeatable.
Looking forward to the very bright future of OPBlocks. Can’t wait to see new updates and changes. Wonderful first impression Aoros !
You’re making me blush
Nice, you're actually a really good manager so far, I'm impressed. If you ever need suggestions for the server, there are plenty piled up in "accepted suggestions" that never actually got added
Under your management I might actually be able to come back to playing and enjoying it :O
Please come back and play! I’ll be looking forward to seeing your name pop up more frequently in chat.
PS: I’ll definitely be reading all suggestions.
Block reward after 100m
Better prestige rewards literally after prestige 35 you get nothing except for p40 p45 and p50 u get some chunkies a booster and a daily kit that is worse than candygod which u probably already have because only candygods reqch prestige 50+ because p2w, after prestige 50 there is NO point in prestiging, unless there was a small ptop for every month.
Making prestiging harder this server is p2w, even without critters and merchant i get roughly 35m per inventory (candygod) and I think membrers with merchant get around 1m if they have maxed merchant.
Getting a youtuber that actually plats instead of crainer doing 4 episodes and then leaving to come back next version
Prestige top every month (Idea)
More events and 2x sell weekend or even only saturday or sunday
Making a guide npc like there was in v5 spawn
September quest book
Add another realm where there are no op ranks where you have to grind to be good.
Add back mcMMO, Idk why it was removed in the first place but I’m sure there was a good reason for it.
Fix voting, only 2 links work
Add back jackpot, coinflip and rock paper scissors, again dont even know why it was removed
Add stone to /shop
Bring back v5 /ah or get the current auction house to work
Don’t reset /sumo every week
Add /blockrewards back, again do t know why it was removed
Those are some ideas I can think of at 4am if you want more just look in the accepted suggestions section and see what was accepted but never added.
1. Will be removing prestige entirely for a better more efficient system.
2. More YouTubers - yes!
3. Will have a new system in place similar to vote top but it’ll be a leveling system (shh.. I can’t say too much!)

4. Events will be coming every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and possibley some on weekdays.
5. Tutorial NPC is definitely coming!
6. September quest book. I definitely like it & we can for sure do it, similar to the monthly crates/kits.
7. Will be having two realms. OPBlocks for the P2W & Hardcore Prisons for those who wish to change it up. Either or, both realms will be entirely unique, fun, and a blast to play on.
8.McMMO - I’ll have to look into it.
9. Voting links will be fixed, yes.
10. Already have lottery, but we can definitely add more gambling into the server.
11. /ah will be fixed.
12. Will add stone to shop of course.
13. Sumo reset - I’ll see what we can do.
14. /blockrewards - I’ll look into it.
Thank you for this long suggestion list. It means so much for me to know players like yourself play on OPBlocks.
We plan on making another realm - Hardcore Prisons.
Why comment twice
Although I haven’t talked to you yet, you replying to my post on your profile really caught me off guard, as that has been almost unseen for the past few managers.
Good luck my man
I’m not like the rest of them gals